# Guide to Licensing and Activation Masterful is not open source software, but a license is granted at no charge for personal and academic use, and for commercial evaluation. To use Masterful for commercial production purposes, namely deploying the models trained by Masterful into production, you'll need a commercial agreement with Masterful. See [the pricing page](https://www.masterfulai.com/pricing) for more details. ## License Keys Whether you are using Masterful in a personal, academic, or commercial setting, you'll need to register for a key after 30 days to continue using Masterful. See the [registration page](https://www.masterfulai.com/register) to register. ## Activating a License Key. You can activate your license key in several ways. ### Environment Variables This approach works for both the Masterful Python API and Masterful CLI Trainer. Set environment variable and run the CLI Trainer or the Python script that uses Masterful. ```shell export MASTERFUL_ACCOUNT_ID=<<>> export MASTERFUL_AUTHORIZATION_KEY=<> python example.py ``` ```shell export MASTERFUL_ACCOUNT_ID=<<>> export MASTERFUL_AUTHORIZATION_KEY=<> python -m masterful.train --config=example.yaml ``` ### API For the Masterful Python API, you can also pass the account id and authorization key via the [masterful.register()][1] function. [1]: ../api/api_register.rst